Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blog Post #1 Outside Reading

For my book this quarter I chose to read New Moon By Stephanie Meyer. It is a book dealing with loss, hope and coping. When Edward, the boy Bella is in love with, suddenly leaves the town of Forks, Bella is left heartbroken. She withdrawals herself from hanging out and talking to her friends, she sits in her room trying to hold on the only memories she has of Edward, since he took all photographs and gifts he gave to her before he left, to make it seem like he never existed. This doesn't make it any easier for Bella. She cries herself to sleep every night, her entire body aches at the thought of him, and every night she wakes up screaming for her night terrors. Eventually, she meets up with her old friend, Jacob. Immediately she connects with him and feels safe. Slowly, she begins to feel a little better than the 6 months previous after Edward left. One day Jacob starts to teach Bella how to ride a motorcycle. She is wants to do something rebellious. Bella starts to ride on the motorcycle, and she can hear Edward speaking to her. She comes to the conclusion that Edward will speak to her in her mind whenever she has a rush of adrenaline. She starts to do all kinds of crazy things. I think this book is a good example about how people feel and what they do for the one they love. Love and loss make you do crazy things.

Monday, April 20, 2009

So Much Depends On

So much of spring depends upon

The wind lifting my hair from my shoulders

The rustleing of crisp leaves in the cool soft breeze

The buds slowly covering the bare naked branches

The smell of the fresh earth in the warm bright rays of sunlight