Sunday, February 8, 2009

Blog Post #28

I read an article about how whenever there is a natural disaster in the United States, the National Guard is always there to help. As Americans we recieve plenty of aid in times of need, compared to other countries lack of aid where they have to take care of disater on their own.
The United States have a trained force of 114,000 persons that are trained and equipped ( equiptment and all funds are payed for by the budget of the Defense Department) to be prepared for natural disaters such as hurricane Katrina. When the hurricane hit the National Guard was there as soon as possible to help people get to somewhere safe and soon after started rebuilding the homes and buildings. Where as in the Novel Nectar in a Sieve, when the Monsoon hits and destroys all the crops, everyone is left on their own to grow more crops and take care of the damage without any kind of aid whatsoever. I think the United States doesn't completely realize how easy they have it compared to other countries that funtion completely on their own.

National Guard of the United Sates. Discovery Education. 2005.
Discovery Education. Febuary 8th 2009.

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