Monday, May 18, 2009
Outside Reading #4
This quote from New Moon, made me think about how much people depend of the ones they love throughout their lives. In the book, Bella doesn't think she can survive without Edward, and Edward feels the same way. He was even willing to kill himself if didn't exist.
In real life, sometimes when an old ladys husband dies, theres a possibility she will die too within the next 6 months of his death, of a broken heart. if she makes it past 6 months, she will survive. This also shows that people depend on one anothers love to live. Once you find and experience being with the the person you love most in the entire world, it seems really hard to live without them. Almost like you've forgotten how. Like once they've emotionally become part of who you are, they become physically a part of who you are. So, if they're no longer around, for whatever reason, you're not whole. How can you live without that other person if they complete you? If they make you who you are.
Outside Reading #3
I like this quote because it tells you how Bella is living in the moment. In real life, people spend their lives stressing for tests, interviews, taxes, everything that they have to do in the future. This isn't necesairly bad, but if you spend your entire life worrying, then you're just wasting it away and not taking the time to truly enjoy life. I prefer to live in the moment, and not take every moment for granted. If i am able to forget about that huge test i have next week, and relax and have a good time for a couple hours, I am in a happier mood, and i feel better that i am living everyday to its fullest. We only have a short time to live our lives, so why not try and make it the best you can? I don't think worrying about what i have the next morning, week, or month. It just brings everything down. I like that Bella is soaking up all the happiness she can, instead of wondering when he will be gone again, or how long she has with him. She's just trying to make it as good as it can possibly be.
Outside Reading #2
Once Alice comes back, Bella is worried that her and Jacob's friendship will be at risk, since Alice and Jacob are enemies. Jacob reassures her that it doesn't matter to him.
Sometimes, friendships are ruined because people have a hard time accepting the way people really are. For example, some people let their friendships go down the toilet just because one of their friends hangs out with someone that they don't like. Or if you're best friend tells you they are gay would you stop being their friend just because you don't agree with it? I would hope not, because if you really love someone, why would it matter what they love, who they are friends with, or what they do with their spare time? A lot of the time, especially in high school, people get so caught up in what others will think of them, that if their friend does something that would embarrass them, they try to avoid their friend and stop being friends with them, just so that people don't judge them, just because their friend does something that isn't cool enough, or accepting among their peers.
I really liked this quote because it shows that Jacob doesn't care about who she's friends with, and he loves her for who she really is. Those things aren't important to him.
If everyone stopped trying to impress people, and stopped caring so much what people think of them then I think there would be a lot less fights, and more people would be friends. Anyways, what does it matter, in ten years will it really make a difference in your life who you were friends with at the time or what you did or if you were cool enough?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Prefix poem
Spontaneous Poem
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Blog Post #1 Outside Reading
Monday, April 20, 2009
So Much Depends On
The wind lifting my hair from my shoulders
The rustleing of crisp leaves in the cool soft breeze
The buds slowly covering the bare naked branches
The smell of the fresh earth in the warm bright rays of sunlight
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Final research Paragraph
When white settlers came to the new world, American Indian's adopted the new and foreign customs/ways under pressure. This caused the Indian culture to begin to die out. Federal troops of the US government "escorted" over 15,000 Native Americans off their land in Georgia to a new home in Indian Territory in 1838. On the way, one third of the 15,000 died, leading to a decrease of Eastern Tribes-which were already beginning to diminish. For centuries the Indians have been trying to keep their culture alive, so in response to the near extinction of the culture, American Indians have turned the “Trail of Tears” into national trail for public awareness. It is an important thing to preserve cultures, since the Native American's never had any other home other than America and would take something away from the history of the United States if it were to completely disappear.
Darrenkamp, Angela. "The Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears: Cause, Effect and Justification". History Matters. 16 March 2009
Trail of Tears Association , "The Story". Trail of Tears Association. 16 March 2009
Research blog 2
Research blog 1
Monday, March 16, 2009
I think this is an interesting story and it shows how much Japanese soldiers obey and how well they follow direction. The Japanese culture seems to have much more high standards of respect and it is an important thing to follow direction and obey what your leaders tell you.
Native Americans
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Global Issue
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
I really like this text because i think it defines hope very well. Everyday, everyone hopes. It can be for something negative to turn around or it can be for something great to get even better. Many people use hope to get them through tough times or just hope in general. I really think without hope life would be a lot more difficult and if someone doesn't hope then they're making things harder on themselves. Everyone can use hope.
I found this list of statistics really interesting to see the variety and it kind of showed that religion seems to be a popular thing amongst many people.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Gender Roles
I think that women are still have a little less power than men do even though they have come so far in being equal with men there are a lot of people that think men are more powerful and important than men. This may be since women are the ones who give birth, they are more expected to care for the child than men since the child needs a mother more than a father at a young age. However, as children grow older they really do need both a mother and a father figure in their lives. Really, men and women are very equal in this country compared to others.
Overcoming a Stuggle
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Blog Post #29
Nonprofits struggle to meet a rising demand
Tuesday, 03 February 2009
Blog Post #28
The United States have a trained force of 114,000 persons that are trained and equipped ( equiptment and all funds are payed for by the budget of the Defense Department) to be prepared for natural disaters such as hurricane Katrina. When the hurricane hit the National Guard was there as soon as possible to help people get to somewhere safe and soon after started rebuilding the homes and buildings. Where as in the Novel Nectar in a Sieve, when the Monsoon hits and destroys all the crops, everyone is left on their own to grow more crops and take care of the damage without any kind of aid whatsoever. I think the United States doesn't completely realize how easy they have it compared to other countries that funtion completely on their own.
National Guard of the United Sates. Discovery Education. 2005.
Discovery Education. Febuary 8th 2009.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Blog Post #27
1. It is a myth that dogs are color blind. They can actually see in color, just not as vividly as humans. It is akin to our vision at dusk.
2.If never spayed or neutered, a female dog, her mate, and their puppies could produce over 66,000 dogs in 6 years!
3.A dog's mouth exerts 150-200 pounds of pressure per square inch with some dogs exerting up to 450 pounds per square inch
4. A one-year-old dog is as mature, physically, as a 15-year-old human.
5.Dogs can be trained to detect epileptic seizures.
6.87% of dog owners say their dog curls up beside them or at their feet while they watch T.V.
facts from:
Blog Post #26
Blog Post #25
Blog Post #24
Monday, January 19, 2009
Blog Post #23
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Blog Post #22
1.Dolphins have poor eyesight, so they use echoes to see.
2.Whales are the biggest animals known. The Blue Whale is the largest animal to ever inhabit the Earth. They live about 80 years. They are also the oldest and are endangered.
3.The octopus has 8 symmetric arms
4.There are 8 species of sea turtles: Olive Ridley, Green, Loggerhead, Leatherback, Hawksbill, Flatback, Black, and Kemp’s Ridley.
5. Starfish have between five and forty arms
6.. Whale familes remain together for life. And these whales also communicate to each other through whistles
Blog Post #21
1.A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
2.Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, while dogs only have about 10.
3.On average people fear spiders more than they do death.
4.You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than a poisonous spider.
5.A duck's quack doesn't echo and no one knows why.
6.The milk of a hippopotamus is bright pink.
7.The starfish is the only animal that can turn its stomach inside out.
8.Jellyfish do not have brains.
9.Owls are the only animal to lower its upper eyelid to blink.
10.Dalmatians are born without spots.
11.roosters cannot crow unless they can extend their necks.
12.when hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.
Blog Post #20
1.If you keep a goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white.
2.The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle.
3.The name Wendy was made up for the book "Peter Pan". There wasnever a recorded Wendy before
4.Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wearpants.
5.Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie ChaplinLook-alike contest.
6.The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
7.Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury
8.111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
9.In ancient England a person ! could not have sex unless you had consent of the King (unless you were in the Royal Family). When anyone wanted to have a baby, they got consent of the King, the King gave them a placard that they hung on their door while they were having sex. The placard had F.*.*.*. (Fornication Under Consent of the King) on it.
10.Q. What is an activity performed by 40% of all people at a party? A. Snoop in your medicine cabinet.
11.There are more plastic lawn flamingos in the US than real ones.
12.A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for 69 years.
13.We are in the middle of an ice age. Ice ages include both cold and warm periods; at the moment we are experiencing a relatively warm span of time known as an interglacial period. Geologists believe that the warmest part of this period occurred from 1890 through 1945 and that since 1945 things have slowly begun freezing up again. island is defined as being an islandonly if it is big enough to sustain 1 sheep
15.If you told someone that they were one in a million, you'd be saying there were 1,800 of them in China
Blog Post #19
1.Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
2.Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do.
3.Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks orit will digest itself.
4.On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily!
5.Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better
6.The average number of people airborne over the US any given hour: 61,000
7.Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
8.The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.
9.The average life of a taste bud is 10 days.
10.Relative to size, the strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
11.If you go blind in one eye you only lose about one fifth of your vision but all your sense of depth.
12.In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator.
13.The roar that we hear when we hold a seashell up to our ear is not the ocean but the blood surging through the veins in our ear.
14.The reason honey is so easy to digest is becasue its already been digested by a bee.
15. Buttons on a men shirts are on the right, and buttons on women shirts ar eon the left.